A double-blind peer review method is mandatory for processing of all scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial stuff of "Saratov Medical Journal". This implies that neither the reviewer is aware of the authorship of the manuscript, nor the author maintains any contact with the reviewer.
- Members of the editorial board and leading Russian and international experts in corresponding areas of life sciences, invited as independent readers, perform peer reviews. Editor-in-chief chooses readers for peer review.
- The review is conducted confidentially both for the Author and for the Reviewer themselves. The manuscript is sent to the Reviewer without specifying the names of the authors and the name of the institution. The review period is 4 weeks, but at the request of the Reviewer it can be extended. Reviewer has an option to abnegate the assessment should any conflict of interests arise that may affect perception or interpretation of the manuscript.
- The Editorial Board informs the Author of the results of the review by e-mail.
- If the Reviewer makes a conclusion about the possibility of publication of the article and does not make significant corrections, the article is given to the expert on statistics and after a positive report, is accepted for further work.
- If the Reviewer has recommended any refinements, the editorial staff would suggest the author either to implement the corrections, or to dispute them reasonably, when preparing a new version of the article. The article revised by the Author is re-sent for review, and it is concluded that all the recommendations of the Reviewer have been taken into account. After receiving a positive response from the Reviewer, the article is given to the expert on statistics and after a positive report, is accepted for further work.
- If authors did not respond to the request revision within 1 month or not notify of approximate dates of work on the Reviewer's comments, do not return a modified version after 3 months from the date of sending this form, the submitted manuscript may be archived and removed from the register due to refusal of revision of the article. In such situations, the authors are notified of the withdrawal of the manuscript from registration due to the expiration of the time allotted for revision.
- If Author and Reviewers meet insoluble contradictions regarding revision of the manuscript, the Editor-in-chief resolves the conflict by his own authority. The Author of the peer-reviewed work is sent a waiver on behalf of the journal. The Editorial Board has the right not to explain the reasons for the refusal or to make further recommendations.
- All manuscripts that have been reviewed and evaluated by a statistical expert are submitted to the Editorial Board, which decides on publication.
- The decision to publish a manuscript is made solely on the basis of its significance, originality, clarity of presentation and correspondence of the research topic to the direction of the journal. Reports on studies in which negative results are obtained or the provisions of previously published articles are challenged are considered on a General basis.
- The presence of a positive review is not a sufficient reason for the publication of the article. The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the Editor-in-chief.
- Original reviews of submitted manuscripts remain deposited for 5 years.
- In the case of a decision to refuse publication of the article, its archival copy remains in the internet archive of the editorial office, but access to it by editors or reviewers is closed.